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What's with "i.not.artsy"?

A pattern of characters that simply used to title a grungy social media profile has now become a staple of my identity. It might not sound very creative, but it's certainly an extension of  how I am as a creative person. In short, I am the type of person who's imagination runs faster than her hands can work. What is means is that although I try my very best to be artsy and aesthetic, I can't stick to a single art style nor color palette. The issue lies in my desire to just try it all!

I don't like all my work to look the same, and love to experiment with every new idea that comes to mind. The best way to put it, as my friends often look to my Instagram to remind me, is that everything I make is individually artsy, but if you put it all together it looks like a creative mess. Who's to say that that's not perfectly ok? I create, therefore i.not.artsy :)

My Dream Goal

Through my lifelong search for my own personal happiness, I have come across a lot of things that piqued my interest and entertain me to this day. Whether it be the lost history of civilizations, wildlife documentaries, or fantasy manga beyond my imagination, my world continues to generate new algorithms. There is, however, one peculiar thing that I hold dear like no other, and that is the one and only Homestead Creamery branded strawberry milk. The memory of the rich, whole milk and the flavor of ripened, sun-kissed strawberries is deeply ingrained in my consciousness.

My love for strawberry milk is so great that it goes beyond my lactose intolerance. In fact, I hope to one day be buried with a jar of Homestead Creamery Strawberry Milk. (If I am to be cremated, I sincerely hope my mortician can be swayed to encase my ashes in a jar.) This confession is not sponsored in any way shape or form.


I have a hobby of routinely taking personality quizzes, because who isn't curious? Of course, there is some validity and some falsehood, but I really do think my results are representative of me as a social person.

If you're curious, here they are!

Meyers-Briggs ENFP-T (Campaigner)

Enneagram Type 9 Wing 8

CliftonStrengths Assessment:

     1. Includer

     2. Connectedness

     3. Relator

     4. Restorative

     5. Developer



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